2011. 01 [영국 단체 초청전] "VER" / amgallery, UK
2016. 12 [미국 개인전] "PAIRING" / K&Pgallery, USA
2019. 02 PhaseOne certified professional [POCP]
대한항공 사진 공모전 입선
2020. 10 International Photography Award 2020 - Cityscape professoinal section HM
2020. 10 Nikon Imaging Korea [니콘 스쿨] - 초청강사
2020. 12 Nikon Imaging Korea 신제품 런칭행사
2021. 01 Monochrome Awards 2020 [IPA] 프로패셔널 4개 부문 HM수상
- Nature Professoinal section HM
- Portrait Professoinal section HM
- Conceptual Professoinal section HM
- Street Professoinal section HM
Adjust the opacity to set the color.